Who are you?

... tense or relaxed?

How often in the last week have you unintentionally created tension in your life? 

Maybe you have … 

Put off something 
Tried to control a situation 
Said ‘yes’ when you wanted to say no
Had unrealistic expectations 
Doubted your ability 
Not been true to yourself 

All these things build up over time, adding more and more tension..

Add to that … 
Skipping a meal 
Staying up late 
Pushing through 
Scrolling on social media
Not stopping to rest 
Not moving enough 
Not listening to yourself 

No wonder you don't feel at your best; mentally, physically and emotionally.

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.

Chinese Proverb

We (you, me, us) are not designed to stay in this constant state of chronic stress and tension long term. 

At some stage you need to … 

Respect your boundaries 
Learn to say ‘no’ 
Honour your own time 
Rest, relax and recharge 
Reconnect with who you are 
Put yourself first 
Just 'be' 

This week I gently invite you to notice (and honour) those times in your day where you do feel rested and relaxed.

And it may only be a glimmer at the start:

Those 10 minutes as you sip your coffee in silence
After an afternoon nap
Walking in nature
On the beach or with your pet
In the bath or shower
After a massage or healing session
Sitting in the sunshine at lunch
5 deep, intentional breaths before a meeting

If you can, really notice what it is that makes you feel this way.

It could be a feeling of …


Imagine what it could be like if you felt like that more often? Because this is who you are! 

I would love to know what your favourite glimmers are. 

Have you been able to find (and experience) some this week?

As I say at the end of my sessions …

Be gentle with yourself

Until next time
Carolyn x


Buckets of rest and water ...


Lay down your burden ... and rest