Where are YOU on your to do list?

Try putting yourself at the top of your to do list and see how things start to fall into place.

Do you have a to-do list? Is it a physical one you've written down or a mental one that swirls in your head? I have just redone my to-do list as it had become messy and out of control (to me …)

Here are some of the things on my list:
Washing – never ending!
Update my will
Wash my windows
Get new insurance quotes
Buy a new phone
Sort out my files
Blog posts
Eat …
Sleep …
Work …

What's on your to-do list?
Stuff' for the family? 
Things for work?
House projects?
Food shopping?
Everyday tasks?
Plans and dreams?

In that long list of yours, where are YOU?

Is there something on that list that is just for you, and for no other reason that it makes you feel good?!

Could it be …
a coffee date
a walk on the beach or in nature
starting (or continuing) a hobby
curling up with a book for pleasure
catching up with friends
watching a movie or series (one you want to watch!)
listening to music
getting a massage, beauty, hair or healing treatment?

Here is mine …
Catching up with friends for dinner
Getting a massage (in fact 2 this month!)
Pottering in my garden
Spending time with my family
Getting to bed before 11pm …

This week, I gently invite you to put yourself at the top of your to-do list.

Not as another task or thing to be checked off (self care - check) but as a purely selfish, guilt free time just for you.

Don’t know where to start? Sometimes, it is a matter of trying something out to see if it works (or not!).

Still stuck? Ask yourself:
What do I need?
What makes me feel good?
What have I been putting off?
Is there something I can do this week to make a start?
Do I feel guilty if I take some time just for me?

Start small, but start!

When you have some time, look back over the week and see if things started to shift. 

Did your week feel better?
Were you able to focus more?
Did things feel less chaotic?

Did you feel more like ... you?

As I say at the end of my sessions, be gentle with yourself

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone to talk to. I am here for you.

Until next time.

Much love 
Carolyn xx


Cut yourself some slack ...


Buckets of rest and water ...